Thursday, 26 February 2015

What's on My Playlist?

Well hello there!
Music makes the world go round!

Today I thought I would share with you some of the music that's been doing the rounds on my Spotify playlists. I have thousands of tracks saved and such a broad range of tastes so I couldn't possibly list them all, so I'll just share my 10 current faves.


1) Asgeir 'Torrent'. I'm not sure how I discovered this - probably through suggested songs on Spotify. (If you don't have Spotify, GET IT! It's soo good if you love music!) I just think this song is quite beautiful and powerful, while remaining upbeat.

2) The Clash 'I Fought the Law'. I love love love The Clash. (I have a bit of a punk-loving streak in me - my Mum brought me up to appreciate older music as a kid. Thanks Mum!) This one is particularly good if I'm feeling a bit rebellious and having to suppress it at work. I can mentally stick up two fingers to my boss and imagine I'm going on a punk rampage. (Weird? Me? Nahh.)

3) The Cure 'Friday I'm in Love'. I've never listened to much Cure, but after hearing this I need to find out more. I love this genre of music, and it reminds me of some of the more upbeat Smiths songs, which is just my cup of tea!

4) The Do 'Keep Your Lips Sealed'. I actually discovered this through a Made in Chelsea soundtrack (confession - Made in Chelsea is a guilty pleasure of mine!) This French/Finnish indie-pop band have a really quirky, unique sound. This is my fave Do track. The drums make me want to go out and buy a military jacket and be all demanding LOL. Also enjoying the use of the organ - very dramatic!

5) Florence and the Machine 'Shake It Out'. This melodramatic tune was the soundtrack to my second year at uni, and it still gets me going today. Poetry.

6)  George Ezra 'Cassie O''. Who doesn't love George Ezra? He's quite different to anyone else I'm listening to at the moment and is a bit old-school, which I like. The play on words in this makes me smile and gets my toes tapping on the bus.

7) Hozier 'Jackie and Wilson'. I'm loving Hozier at the moment, but this is the one that's really uplifting my mood on the dreary February commute to and from work.

8) Queen 'Someday One Day'. This is one of Queen's earlier and lesser known tracks, from their album 'Queen II'. I've recently rediscovered Queen's old material (I used to love them when I was a teenager). I've also come to realise that a lot of the Queen songs that touch me most were actually written by Brian May. (I think I naturally assumed that Freddie Mercury had written some of the best, which he did, but May deserves a lot of  credit, in my opinion!)

9) Sheppard 'Geronimo'. This is a random find, and never fails to lift me up. Feelgood.

10) Washington Irving 'Holy Company'. This Scottish band is in my top five EVER. I just love them, and every song is fantastic. This is a live acoustic version of Holy Company, but it really showcases how brilliant they are. I've been lucky enough to see them live. Well worth a listen.

I hope you get a chance to check out some of these artists. There are soooo many more I'd like to share with you - maybe another time! I'd love to know what tracks are currently gracing your playlists, so comment below and share the music love!

Bye for now!